Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

VOL 84, No. 9 (2011)

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    Science for glass production

  • On the color centers in glasses

    Autors: Yu. A. Guloyan
    • Pages: 23-26
    • Views: 30602
    The analysis of materials by types and centers of staining for the most used colored glasses has been carried out. The coloring of glasses with selenium is considered in more detail from the standpoint of modern concepts of the structure of dyes and the formation of coloring centers. An updated classification of types and centers of staining in glasses is presented. Tab. 1, ill. 1, bibliography: 18 titles.
  • Synthesis of optical quartz glass

    Autors: A. I. Puzynin
    • Pages: 29-33
    • Views: 30573
    A method for the production of optical silica glass by the synthesis of monodisperse silica particles, their centrifugation, followed by supercritical drying and sintering of the porous material is described. A comparison of the optical transmission spectrum of the optical quartz glass produced by this method with the spectra of some glasses obtained by industrial methods is carried out. The advantages of this method in comparison with methods for the production of silica glass based on aerogels and xerogels of silicon dioxide are indicated. Il. 7, bibliography: 11 titles.
  • Foam glass production based on natural and man-made aluminosilicates

    Autors: V. A. Lotov
    • Pages: 34-37
    • Views: 30549
    The possibility of using aluminosilicate rocks and materials for glass melting, which can be used in the production of foam glass, is shown. Modular characteristics in assessing the suitability of aluminosilicate materials for glass melting and modular characteristics of the resulting glass are proposed. The compositions of the mixtures for glass melting and production of foam glass are given. Tab. 2, ill. 1, bibliography: 7 titles.
  • Information

  • Collection and recycling of glass in Japan

    Autors: V. A. Berman
    • Pages: 42
    • Views: 30409
  • Coatings. Enamels.

  • Decorative enamel coatings on precious metals

    • Pages: 40-41
    • Views: 30478
    The interest of the market in high-quality enamel frits suitable for artistic painting on metal is shown. Provides a little background on the history of enameling. A deeper study of the composition of enamels is needed in order to restore the techniques of artistic enameling. The requirements for such materials are formulated, the procedure for their laboratory synthesis is described, and their composition is indicated. Bibliography: 5 titles.
  • Materials processing

  • Diamond wheels on an organic binder for grinding household and art glass

    Autors: A. V. Popov
    • Pages: 20-22
    • Views: 30607
    It has been established that for preliminary diamond grinding of high-quality and artistic glass with subsequent chemical polishing, it is advisable to use an organic binder MB 1 with diamond powder with a grain size of 90/70 microns and a concentration of 150%. The use of the MB1 organic bond for wheels with diamond grinding powder with a grain size of 90/75 microns and a concentration of 150% instead of the bond M2-01 with a diamond powder grain size of 53/45 microns and a concentration of 50% made it possible to increase the productivity of preliminary diamond grinding of high-quality and art glass with subsequent chemical polishing by 20 - 25% and increase the durability of the wheel by 1.8-2.3 times at the same cost price of the wheels and the same roughness of the processed surface. Il. 4, bibliography: 4 titles.
  • Refractories for glass production

  • Bottom block for glass furnaces: fired articles or concrete?

    • Pages: 12-19
    • Views: 30658
    Comparative studies of the properties of fired fireclay products and products made of low-cement refractory concretes (LCC), fired at different temperatures, and non-fired concretes, used for laying the lower structure of glass-melting bath furnaces (bottom beam), have been carried out. The experimentally obtained data on thermophysical properties, thermal expansion coefficient, glass resistance of products made of NCBB and fired fireclay products are presented. The expediency of using fired fireclay products to increase the service life of the furnace is shown. Tab. 2, ill. 11, bibliography: 13 titles.
  • Equipment

  • A unit for melting quartz glass in a reactive gas atmosphere and in vacuum

    • Pages: 38-39
    • Views: 30534
    The modernization of the "Granat-2M" growth plant for the synthesis of various quartz glasses according to the "gas - vacuum in vacuum" scheme was carried out. Its prototype is an industrial installation used in the surfacing of ultrapure (ultrapure) monomineral and doped quartz glasses using the KS-4V glass production technology. Il. 3.
  • Efficiency and quality

  • A rational approach to regulation of the redox characteristics of the batch for melting float glass

    • Pages: 3-11
    • Views: 30658
    Optimization of physicochemical processes in the preparation of glass batch, improvement of the processes of its preparation, transportation, feeding into the glass-making furnace and quality indicators of the batch are important, but not decisive for obtaining high-quality finished products - glass. The redox characteristics of the components for the preparation of the charge, the charge itself and the redox potential of the molten glass, welded on its basis, along with the above factors, are of great importance on the glass-making process and the quality of the melted glass. The analysis of redox processes occurring during the penetration of a soda-sulfate charge of the composition of float glass, and optimization of the introduction of sodium sulfate and coal into the charge to obtain a charge, which further increases the stability of the cooking process, increases the output and improves the quality of the final product for such defects as bubbles and inclusion. Tab. 4, ill. 5, bibliography: 5 titles.