A three-component ceramic material based on the ZrO2 - SrTiO3 - BiScO3 system has been obtained, its phase composition, microstructure features have been established, and the temperature dependence of the electrical conductivity has been studied. It was found that at room temperature the material consists of a cubic phase with a space group of symmetry Fm3m, corresponding to the cubic modification of zirconium dioxide, and a solid solution consisting of a nonpolar cubic phase with Pm3m symmetry and a polar tetragonal phase with P4mm symmetry and characteristic of the two-component system ZrO 2 ? SrTiO 3 ? BiScO 3 . The presence of these phases is confirmed by the results of studying the microstructure and elemental composition of the samples by scanning electron microscopy. It was found that above a temperature of ~ 750 K, the specific electrical conductivity of the samples under study increases significantly
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