Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

  • Continuous numbering: 1078
  • Pages: 26-28
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Heading: Science for ceramic production

The paper presents the results of a study on the resistance of VOK-60 cutting ceramics when processing hardened steel workpieces made of 45 steel of different hardness 45 HRC and 54 HRC. Tool life of a cutting ceramic insert when machining a harder workpiece by 41 & # 37; higher than when machining a less hard workpiece. A microstructural analysis of the damageability of the working surface was carried out and a mechanism for wear of the cutting plate was established. The reasons for the faster wear of the plate when processing a workpiece with a lower hardness are determined.
Pronin A.I., Mylnikov V.V., Chernyshev E.A., Shetulov D.I. Determination of the optimal cutting speed for hard turning using acoustic emission signals. Diagnostics. 2014.? 4.S. 40? 44. Pronin A. I., Mylnikov V. V., Chernyshev E. A. The reasons for the low efficiency of cutting ceramics plates in hard turning / Materials Science. 2014.? 5.S. 13? 15. Pronin AI, Mylnikov VV, Shchelkunov EB, Vinogradov SV Application of orthogonal central compositional planning of experiments to optimize turning of hardened steel 40X by cutting ceramics / Bulletin of mechanical engineering. 2016.? 8, p. 43? 48. Pronin AI, Mylnikov VV, Chernyshev EA Investigation of the influence of processing parameters on the surface roughness of parts made of hardened steel 40X when turning with cutting ceramics / Proceedings of higher educational institutions. Mechanical engineering. 2017.? 8 (689). S. 41? 45.

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UDK 621.9.025.748.62:666.7
Article type: Science for ceramic production
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Pronin A. I., Mylnikov V. V., Schelkunov E. B., Chernyshov E. A. Cutting ceramics resistance in treated steel blanks turning. Steklo i keramika. 2017:90(10):26-28. (in Russ). UDK 621.9.025.748.62:666.7