Technologies have been developed for the manufacture of slabs and porous aggregate from cellular glass based on ash and slag waste from Novocherkasskaya SDPP, as well as structural and heat-insulating lightweight concrete. On their basis, three-layer energy-efficient panels were obtained for use in frame-panel housing construction.
Kosarev A.S., Smoliy V.A., Yatsenko E.A., Goltsman B.M. ... 2016.? 4.S. 2? 7.
Smoliy VA, Yatsenko EA, Goltsman BM, Kosarev AS Influence of ash and slag materials on the temperature-time parameters of the synthesis of heat-insulating silicate material. Tekhnika i tekhnologiya silikatov. 2016.? 4.S. 25? 29.
Smoliy V. A., Yatsenko E. A., Kosarev A. S., Klimova L. V. Investigation of the spectrophotometric characteristics of the
decorative layer of a multilayer silicate composite heat-insulating decorative material // Tekhnika i tekhnologiya silikatov. 2017.? 4.S. 23? 28.
Smoliy V. A., Yatsenko E. A., Goltsman B. M., Kosarev A. S. Dependence of thermal insulation and strength properties of lightweight concrete on the fractional composition of porous filler // Ecology of industrial production. 2017.
? 4.S. 13? 15.
Yatsenko EA, Zubekhin AP, Smoliy VA et al. Resource-saving technology of heat-insulating and decorative glass-composite material based on ash and slag waste. Glass and Ceramics. 2015.? 6.S. 34? 38.
[Yatsenko EA, Zubekhin AP, Smolii VA et al. Resource-Conserving Technology of Heat-Insulation-Decorative Glass-Composite Material Based on Ash-Slag Wastes // Glass and Ce-ram. 2015. V. 72. No. 5 ? 6.P. 216? 219].
Smoliy V.A., Kosarev A.S., Yatsenko E.A., Goltsman B.M. North Caucasian region. Ser. Technical science. 2015.? 4 (185). S. 128? 132.
Smoliy V. A., Goltsman B. M., Kosarev A. S., Yatsenko E. A. Physicochemical laws of low-temperature autoclave synthesis of multilayer silicate composite heat-insulating decorative material // Ecology of industrial production. 2018.? 3 (103). S. 24? 26.
Smoliy V. A., Kosarev A. S., Yatsenko E. A., Goltsman B. M. Formation of the structure of cellular glass on the basis of ash-and-slag waste from Novocherkasskaya SDPP // Glass and Ceramics. 2018.? 8, p. 20? 24.
[Smolii VA, Kosarev AS, Yatsenko EA, Gol? Tsman BM Structure Formation in Cellular Glass Based on Novocherkassk CHPP Ash-Slag Wastes // Glass and Ceram. 2018. V. 75.
No. 7? 8.P. 249? 253].
Yatsenko EA, Goltsman BM, Smoliy VA, Yatsenko LA Perspective and Experience of Use of Glass Fraction of Solid Municipal Waste in the Production of Silicate Heat-Insulating Materials // IEEE International Conference "Management of Mu-nicipal Waste as an Important Factor of Sustainable Urban Development "(WASTE). 2018. P. 46? 48.
Smoliy V. A., Yatsenko E. A., Goltsman B. M., Kosarev A. S. Influence of the granulometric composition of the charge on the technological and physicochemical properties of the granular porous silicate filler // Glass and Ceramics. 2017.? 8, p. 12? 14.
[Smolii VA, Yatsenko EA, Gol? Tsman BM, Kosarev AS Influence of Granulometric Composition of Batch on Technolog-ical and Physical-Chemical Properties of Granular Porous Sili-cate Aggregate // Glass and Ceram. 2017. V. 74. No. 7? 8.P. 270? 272].
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Utilization of waste
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