The combined use of waste from the production of mineral wool (MB) and spent catalyst (MC) of catalytic cracking of petroleum products in the production of ceramics has been investigated. It was found that, in comparison with the control composition, MB during firing at a temperature of 1080 ° C acts as a fluxing additive, increasing the density of samples by 3.3 °, compressive strength by 19.2 ° C, shrinkage deformation by 16.1 & # 37;, reducing water absorption by 3 times. The combined use of MV and MK in the composition (with an increase in MK from 10 to 20 & # 37;) promotes the intensification of crystallization of the minerals anorthite and mullite, which provides a decrease in shrinkage deformation up to 1.85 times, without deteriorating the mechanical properties in comparison with the control composition without additives
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