The effect of the thickness and chemical composition of the nickel surface on the vacuum density of VK 94 ceramics after soldering with PSr72 solder has been investigated. It has been established that at a nickel layer thickness of less than 3 ?m, oxides of elements (aluminum, silicon, manganese, molybdenum) are present in its surface, which are part of the metallization. The existing methods for controlling the nickel layer using accompanying samples do not ensure its quality in large batches of parts. A non-destructive method for controlling the thickness of nickel directly on the parts is proposed. The efficiency of the method allows you to control 100 & # 37; parts directly in production conditions. The method is based on measuring the thermoEMF, which is provided for by GOST 9.302 & # 8211; 88 to control the thickness of electroplated coatings. The method has been introduced at a number of enterprises producing metallized ceramics
Cand. tech. Sciences G. A. SMIRNOV (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
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Smirnov MG, Emelin DM, Smirnov GA ThermoEMF of industrial steels and alloys // Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals. 2014.? 4.S. 54? 55.
Thermoelectric analyzer of metals and alloys? TAMIS? // Control. Diagnostics. 2017.? 3, p. 37.
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