A ceramic brick M125 was obtained on the basis of substandard clay (loess-like loam) using overburden of pyrite copper-zinc ore at a firing temperature of 1000 ° C. At a firing temperature of a ceramic material of 950 & # 176; C appear: hematite, magnetite, anorthite and glass phase, and at 1000 & # 176; C & # 8211; cristobalite. An increase in the firing temperature to 1050 & # 176; C does not lead to special changes, with the exception of an increase in the content of cristobalite, anorthite and glass phase. At a firing temperature of 1100 ° C, mullite appears, which gives ceramic materials strength
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2 FGAOU VO & # 171; Samara State Economic University & # 187; (Samara, Russia)
3 FGAOU VO & # 171; Samara National Research University named after acad. S. P. Koroleva & # 187; (Samara, Russia)
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