The results of synthesis of lanthanum borate glasses modified with highly polarizable cations (Nb, Ti, Zr, Ta) are described. Their crystallization properties and structural features are studied by IR spectroscopy. It was found, that in the range of compositions 25La2O3–xMnOm–(75 – x)B2O3 (M = Nb, Ta, Ti, Zr, x = 0 – 25 mol %) glass specimens with a refractive index higher than 1,8 can be obtained. It is assumed that in the studied glasses in addition to the borate network a network of M cations corner-sharing of large polyhedra is formed. That preserves ability of the melt to glass formation
R. O. Alekseev, V. I. Savinkov, V. N. Sigaev (D. Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow, Russia)
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