Within the scope of the study, glasses co-doped with Sm3+/Gd3+ in the B2O3–GeO2–Bi2O3 system were synthesized,
covering compositions of 40B2O3–40GeO2–(15…17)Bi2O3–(3…2)Sm2O3–(2…1)Gd2O3 and 42,5B2O3–42,5GeO2–(11,25…12,75)Bi2O3–(2,25…1,50)Sm2O3–(1,500…0,075)Gd2O3. An assessment of luminescent characteristics was
conducted within the temperature range of 298 to 673 K. Spectral bands of photoluminescence associated with transitions between various Stark sublevels of Sm3+ ions were identified. Redistribution of the fluorescence intensity ratio corresponding to transitions 4G5/2 ? 6H9/2 ( = 645 nm) and 4G5/2 ? 6H7/2 ( = 597 nm) was observed. Based on the obtained
data, calculations of the fluorescence intensity ratio FIR, as well as relative sensitivity SR, were performed. The obtained results indicate the promising potential of these glasses as luminescent thermometric materials.
Sofya S. Zykova – master's student 2rd year of study, laboratorian of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian, Moscow, Russia
Ksenia S. Serkina – postgraduate student of the 3rd year of study, Junior Researcher of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian, Moscow, Russia
Krisina I. Runina – PhD, junior researcher of the Youth Laboratory of Functional Materials and Structures for Photonics and Electronics of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian, Moscow, Russia
Igor Ch. Avetissov – Dr, Professor, Head of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian, Moscow, Russia
Olga B. Petrova – Dr, Docent, Professor of the Department of Chemistry and Technology of Crystals, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russian, Moscow, Russia
Kirill N. Boldyrev – PhD, senior researcher at the Fourier Spectroscopy Laboratory, Institute of Spectroscopy of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Troitsk, Russia
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DOI: 10.14489/glc.2024.03.pp.011-019
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