A review of oxide compositions, developed for ceramic aluminosilicate fibers -based filter elements modification for the purpose of the selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides in the purification of high-temperature industrial gases, is presented. Methods for preparing the catalytic compositions and methods for their introduction into the structure of the ceramic filter elements are presented.
Boris L. Krasniy – PhD, Head of LCC NTC Bakor, Moscow, Russia
Konstantin I. Ikonnikov – PhD, Head of Research Center of Special Ceramic Materials LCC NTC Bakor, Moscow, Russia
Dmitriy O. Lemeshev – PhD, Associate Professor, Dean of Faculty of Technology of Inorganic Substances and high-temperature materials, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCTR), Moscow, Russia
Dmitry D. Bernt – PhD, scientific LCC NTC Bakor, Moscow, Russia
Anastasia S.Sizova – researcher, Research Center of Special Ceramic Materials LCC NTC Bakor, Moscow, Russia
Anna L. Galganova – Deputy Head of Center Research Center of Special Ceramic Materials LCC NTC Bakor, Moscow, Russia
Oleg I. Rodimov – researcher Research Center of Special Ceramic Materials LCC NTC Bakor, Moscow, Russia
Alexander A. Slastilov – researcher Scientific Research Center Ecology LCC NTC Bakor, Moscow, Russia
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