For sitalls based on the lithium aluminosilicate system, the possibility of precision regulation of the temperature coefficient of linear expansion (TCLE) near values ??approaching zero in the temperature range from -80 to +500 & # 176; C is shown. It has been established that heat treatments lasting several hours in the temperature range corresponding to the stage of nucleation of the crystalline phase, after a long incubation period, make it possible to change the sign of the TCLE of the sitall from positive to negative, keeping its sign constancy in the entire temperature range near zero TCLE values.
Dr. chem. Sci. V. N. SIGAEV
1 (
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ), Cand. tech. Sci. V. I. SAVINKOV
1 , Cand. chem. G. Yu. SHAHGILDYAN
1 , A. S. NAUMOV
1 , Cand. chem. Sci. S. V. LOTAREV
1 , Cand. tech. Sciences N. N. KLIMENKO
1 , Cand. chem. Sci. N. V. GOLUBEV
1 , Cand. physical-mat. M. Yu. PRESNYAKOV
2 ;
1 Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education & # 171; Russian Chemical-Technological University named after V.I. D. I. Mendeleev & # 187; (RKhTU named after D. I. Mendeleev) (Russia, Moscow)
2 National Research Center & # 171; Kurchatov Institute & # 187; (Russia, Moscow)
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