Materials based on Si 3 N 4 -BN were obtained by liquid-phase sintering using 20 & # 37; (by volume) YAG as a sintering aid. To obtain composite materials, we used boron nitride powders of hexagonal (h-BN) and turbostratic (t-BN) structures. Highly amorphous t-BN contributes to the compaction of the material of the composition (& # 37; by volume): 60 Si 3 N 4 + 20 t-BN + 20 YAG and the achievement of the highest physical mechanical properties: & # 961; = 2.78 g / cm 3 ; P = 14.5 & # 37 ;; E control = 92.3 GPa; & # 963; outgrowth = 161.4 MPa. The chemical resistance of the obtained materials reaches 97.0 & # 37; and increases in the series H 2 SO 4 - HCl - HNO 3 , which indicates intergranular corrosion without propagation into the bulk of the material. However, resistance to exposure to 48 & # 37; HF is lowest due to small cracks in surface intergranular layers and
deeper corrosion
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