Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

VOL 84, No. 5 (2011)

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    Science for glass production

  • Improvement of the process of preparing and routing of the batch in the glass melting furnace

    • Pages: 3-6
    • Views: 31733
    The analysis of the factors influencing the preservation of the stable quality of the charge when loading into the glass-making furnace after transporting it from the compound shop over a long distance is carried out. The drawbacks that arise during the preparation and transportation of the charge to the glass-making furnace are analyzed. Based on the analysis, a new method of charging a charge into a glass-making furnace has been proposed, which allows maintaining optimal humidity, temperature and uniformity of the charge before loading into the furnace. Tests of a new method of charging the charge were carried out on one of the glass-making furnaces of JSC "Salavatsteklo". Il. 8, bibliography: 3 titles.
  • The use of fine-dispersed mixture of SiO2 + Sе as a colorant in tinted glass production

    • Pages: 7-9
    • Views: 31721
    A dye based on selenium obtained by converting it into micro- and nanostates by the method of mechanical dispersion with the use of the main component of the glass batch, quartz sand, as a matrix-stabilizer, has been investigated. It was found that mechanodispersion of SiO 2 + Se mixtures leads not only to grinding, but also, possibly, the transition of selenium to other polymorphic modifications, and the observed increase in the color intensity of glasses synthesized on their basis is most likely associated with the stabilization of particles selenium in low-dimensional voids of quartz sand. It was revealed that heterogeneous mixtures of SiO 2 + Se of black color are characterized by increased volatility and, at the same time, the highest coloring power. Tab. 1, ill. 5, bibliography: 8 titles.
  • Using of captured cement dust in melting of large-usage glass

    • Pages: 10-13
    • Views: 31686
    The prospect of using dust from electrostatic precipitators of cement production for melting sheet (heat-absorbing) and container glass is shown. The addition of 5 - 15% dust to the charge makes it possible to reduce or eliminate the use of natural and artificial materials while maintaining the quality of the glass in terms of gas-containing inclusions. With an increase in the proportion of dust, the equilibrium of iron oxide forms in glass shifts towards the highest oxidation state, which is explained by the presence of sulfur-containing compounds. Tab. 4, ill. 4, bibliography: 8 titles.
  • An effective way of enhancing the endurance of glass melting furnaces

    • Pages: 14-16
    • Views: 31652
    The technology of high-temperature ceramic welding has been developed, intended for repairing the lining of glass-melting furnaces without stopping and cooling them. This repair method allows you to restore damaged refractory products and, if necessary, change their characteristics in the direction of increasing refractoriness, resistance to aggressive media, and mechanical stress. The main and auxiliary equipment for ceramic welding was developed, repair masses were obtained for the restoration of various types of refractories. Tab. 1, ill. 2.
  • Information

  • The IIIrd International scientific and practical conference

    • Pages: 34
    • Views: 31446
  • Utilization of waste

  • Using of the glass cut in the manufacture of building materials

    • Pages: 27-34
    • Views: 31563
    The issues of the formation of glass breakage both in the form of solid household waste and at the industrial processing of flat glass are considered. The prospect of using cullet in the manufacture of materials for various purposes is shown. Decorative facing materials - glass silica, glass ceramite, pressed tiles and smalt can be obtained in a wide range of colors, different configurations and sizes. Of practical interest are heat and sound insulating materials based on granular, slab and block foam glass and slag foam glass. Bibliography: 39 titles.
  • Materials processing

  • Enhancing the efficiency of freehand grinding in practice of domestic and art glass making

    Autors: A. V. Popov
    • Pages: 24-26
    • Views: 31584
    The problem of increasing the efficiency of manual grinding of high-quality and artistic glass by increasing the wear resistance of the bond and decreasing the relative consumption of diamonds is considered. It has been established that in diamond wheels for grinding high-quality and artistic glass, it is advisable to use binders with tungsten carbide powder and cobalt powder. Adding tungsten carbide powder to the binder in an amount of 10% leads to a decrease in the relative consumption of diamonds by 15 - 20%, and the addition of 10% cobalt powder to the binder leads to a decrease in the relative consumption of diamonds by 45 - 50%. In this case, the roughness of the treated surface does not deteriorate. Currently, new circles are successfully working at 35 enterprises in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Il. 4, bibliography: 6 titles.
  • Equipment

  • Some features of designing the aspiration systems of composite shops

    • Pages: 17-20
    • Views: 31644
    Various designs of louvered grilles used in aspiration systems to reduce fugitive dust emissions arising from the transfer of bulk materials to the receiving hoppers of compound and mass preparation shops are considered. Il. 6, bibliography: 1 title.
  • The use of modern home made equipment in glass melting practice

    • Pages: 21-23
    • Views: 31612
    The article describes the positive experience of using modern Russian equipment - magnetic separators of quartz sand of the LMO series and a specialized magnetic holder for glass molds in the production of glass containers at JSC "Smerdom Glass Factory". It is shown that the use of magnetic enrichment of quartz sands of a local deposit has a positive effect on the technological processes of glass making, and the use of a specialized magnetic holder for glass molds increases the quality and shortens the repair time for glass molds. Il. 2, bibliography: 3 titles.