Investigations of the effect of fly ash generated from the incineration of municipal solid waste on the properties, durability and environmental toxicity of fired luminosilicates are presented. In the manufacture of aluminosilicates, fly ash was introduced into the charge in an amount of 2.5 - 7.5 & # 37;, the firing temperature of the products was 1000 & # 176; C, isothermal holding for 1 hour. Studies have shown that the introduction of 2.5 & # 37; addition of fly ash to aluminosilicates ensures the leaching of heavy metals, sulphates and chlorides in accordance with the current regulation 2003/33 / EC. The density of such fired aluminosilicates is 1.8 g / cm 3, compressive strength 24MPa, water absorption 15.3 & # 37;, total open porosity 31 & # 37;, frost resistance at least 25 freeze and thaw cycles