To the 110th anniversary of the South Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI) named after M.I. Platova. The history of education, the types of activities of the department? General chemistry and technology of silicates? as part of the Faculty of Technology and the direction of training for the building materials industry. The scientific directions and research results of the employees of the department are presented.
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Smoliy V. A., Kosarev A. S., Yatsenko E. A. Dependence of the reaction and foaming capacity of the compositions of organic and inorganic pore-forming agents of cellular heat-insulating building glass material on their ratio and properties // Technics and technology of silicates. 2015.Vol. 22.? 4.S. 7? 12.
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Yatsenko EA, Goltsman BM, Smoliy VA, Kosarev AS, Bezuglov RV Investigation of the influence of foaming agents' type and ratio on the foaming and reactionary abilities of foamed slag glass // Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia. 2015.Vol. 12.P. 625? 632.
Ryabova AV, Eskova TA, Karandashova NS, Yatsenko EA, Smoliy VA Development of a method for improving the performance properties of glass enamel coatings for steel // Glass and ceramics. 2014.? 9, p. 32? 35.
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Zubekhin AP, Golovanova SP, Yatsenko EA, Yatsenko ND Scientific bases of sintering in silicate technologies // Tekhnika i tekhnologiya silikatov. 2014.Vol. 21.? 2.S. 16? 19.
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Yatsenko ND, Vilbitskaya NA, Chernyshev VM, Zakar-lyuka SG, Yatsenko AI Control of the processes of structure and phase formation in the development of low-temperature technologies based on clay-containing raw materials // Glass and ceramics. 2016.? 12, p. 14? 17.
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Khentov V. Ya. Genetic engineering in inorganic chemistry // European applied sciences. 2013. N 9? 2.P. 60? 64.
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