In system Y 2 O 3 - Al 2 O 3 - B 2 O 3 glasses and products of solid-phase synthesis in the form of single-phase powders with a huntite structure, activated with samarium, were obtained. It is shown that the studied glasses crystallize with the release of predominantly aluminum borate Al 4 B 2 O 9 and a solid solution (Y, Sm) Al < sub> 3 (BO 3) 4 on the sample surface. Upon transition of crystalline powders (Sm x Y 1-x) Al 3 (BO 3) 4 to the amorphous state, the leveling of the Stark structure and broadening of the Sm 3+ luminescence bands are observed, however, the luminescence branching coefficients change insignificantly. It was found that a decrease in the synthesis temperature of such glasses from 1450 to 1250 ° C leads to an increase in the fraction of VO 4 and the quantum yield of luminescence at a low concentration of the activator.