Glasses were studied in the Al 2 O 3 - P 2 O 5 - SiO 2 sub > suitable for producing green light filters used as traffic signal lights. The following requirements were imposed on glasses: maximum bandwidth at ? max = 500 nm, high temperature resistance and low LTEC - (41-49) * middot; 10 -7 K -1. The dyes were transition elements, which were introduced into the charge in the form of oxides TiO 2, V 2 O 5, CuO, MoO 3 sub> in the amount of 1% (mass fraction), as well as their pairs in various combinations. EPR and optical spectra were studied. It is shown that the glass composition (mass fraction,%): 55 P 2 O 5; 17,1 Al 2 O 3; 20 SiO 2; 1,5 La 2 O 3; 2 ZrO 2; 2.5 B 2 O 3; 1.5 MoO 3; 0.5 CuO can be recommended for use as heat-resistant green light filters. Il. 7, bibliography: 5 titles.