The article provides a brief historical outline of the activities of the Technology of Silicates and Nanomaterials Department of the National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University which is the first technical university in the Asian part of Russia. Initially, the Laboratory of Chemical Technology of Mineral Substances, since 1929 the Silicate Technology Department, since 2007 the Technology of Silicates and Nanomaterials Department, nowdays it is one of the leading scientific and educational centers of the country for the study of silicate raw materials, the development of advanced technologies for ceramics, binders and glass materials, and the training of engineers and scientists specializing in the relevant fields.
Research areas of the team embrases now the development of materials and technologies for nanostructured technical and building ceramics with enhanced functional properties, foam glass-ceramic materials, proppants for oil and gas production, biomedical ceramics, magnesian binders with increased strength and water resistance.