Hits: 17280
The results of studies of filtration of melts through ceramic foam filters made on the basis of raw materials and wastes of Uzbekistan are presented. It is shown that the developed filters with a porosity of 30 ppi effectively purify the melt from exogenous non-metallic inclusions and fully correspond to the level of industrial filters of similar porosity. Filtration efficiency depends on the type and size of particles and averages 78%
Hits: 17558
The results of the development of the composition of the charge for the production of ceramic bricks based on local clay of low quality with the addition of galvanic sludge from a local enterprise and modifying additives are presented. The results of determining the main physical and mechanical properties of the obtained material are given.
Hits: 17520
An energy-saving technology of a non-shrinkable facing material is proposed and tested, which is based on the imposition and zeroing of two opposite deformation effects during sintering: volumetric shrinkage and foaming with the formation of a microporous structure. The necessary conditions for the implementation of the proposed technology are indicated.
Hits: 17762
The results of research on the use of sludge formed during the purification of drinking water (WSP), which contains about 68 Fe
2 O
3 , as an additive in the production of effective ceramic products. In the manufacture of effective ceramic products, an additive SHOPV was introduced into the charge in an amount of 40 60, the firing temperature of ceramic products was 900, 1000, and 1050 C. Studies have shown that the addition of SHOPV has the following effect on the properties of ceramic specimens: it reduces density, compressive strength, thermal conductivity, and increases porosity. SHOPV is a natural pigment that colors ceramics in a darker red color.
Hits: 17739
Compositions, technological parameters of ceramic products for internal lining, obtained using phosphonic slag, refractory and bentonite clays, are given. The chemical and mineralogical composition of clays, phosphorus slag has been investigated, and the technological parameters of production and the physical and mechanical properties of ceramic tiles have been determined.
Hits: 19162
Scientific work has been carried out to obtain pigments of various colors from red mud? Bogoslovsky aluminum plant. A technology has been developed for the production of red pigments (heat treatment at 290-850 ° C) and black pigments (heat treatment in a controlled atmosphere at temperatures of 500-1000 ° C). Ceramic pigments with a crystal lattice structure of chain pyroxenes and garnets were obtained from red mud at temperatures of 900? 1100? C. The conducted research is aimed at expanding the raw material base of pigments and reducing the cost of their production through the use of waste
Hits: 20405
Heat-insulating ceramic materials based on waste oil shale without the use of traditional raw materials have been obtained. The character of phase transformations during firing of ceramic materials has been studied. It was shown that at a temperature of 950 ° C the resulting liquid phase initiates the onset of crystallization of mullite at a firing temperature of 1050 ° C.
Hits: 20768
Highly porous cellular materials for filtration of aluminum melts based on mineral resources and industrial waste of Uzbekistan have been obtained. It is shown that when using the method of impregnation of a polymer framework, permeability is primarily determined by the porosity of polyurethane foam, and the mechanical strength largely depends on the phase composition of the ceramic base and the amount of electrolyte in the slip. The materials obtained have a permeability coefficient of (1.4 - 1.7) x middot; 10
-9 m
2 , density 0.4 - 0.45 g / cm
3 , compressive strength not less than 1 MPa.
Hits: 23116
Comprehensive studies of ozokerite production wastes from the Borislavskoye deposit (Lvov region, Ukraine) have been carried out. Based on the data of X-ray phase, differential thermal, petrographic analyzes, as well as the determination of the main physical and ceramic properties of wastes and compositions in combination with such additives as secondary kaolin of the Murzinsky deposit, primary alkaline kaolin of the Dubrovskoe deposit and fly ash of the Ladyzhinskaya TPP, their efficiency was established. use in compositions of masses for obtaining building ceramics. The introduction of waste into the masses makes it possible to reduce their sensitivity to drying, to intensify the molding process, and during firing it provides a decrease in the consumption of the main heat carrier.
Hits: 23451
The use of waste from a fiberglass plant allows not only to solve a serious environmental problem, but also to improve the quality of building ceramics produced at brick factories.