Steklo i Keramika (Glass and Ceramics). Monthly scientific, technical and industrial journal


ISSN 0131-9582 (Online)

Methods for the regeneration and further use of waste products from the production of lead crystal products - diamond cutting slimes, chemical polishing, and neutralization of acidic effluents - have been determined and tested in laboratory conditions. The use of the proposed methods provides additional economic and significant environmental effects, the possibility of producing new types of materials (complex lead-containing raw materials, low-melting glasses, foamed materials). Il. 2, bibliography: 8 titles.
It has been established that with joint mass preparation (both wet and dry), coal waste is a promising raw material for the production of ceramic building materials. The content of waste in the charge can be up to 50%. The quality of products obtained using coal mining waste in the Moscow region fully complies with the requirements of GOST 6841-84 for the corresponding products. Tab. 4, bibliography: 10 titles.
The possibility of using waste generated as a result of chemical treatment of wastewater from power plants and mines in the ceramic industry has been determined. The main physical properties of the materials obtained are presented. Tab. 4, bibliography: 2 titles.
Synthesized decorative glass-crystalline material based on colored waste (slag). The resulting material is distinguished by high chemical and thermal resistance, has a deep blue color and can be used in various industries.
The possibility of introducing red bauxite sludge into the composition of the raw glaze has been studied. Matte non-pigmented black glaze coatings have been developed, crystalline phases formed during firing of the glaze layer have been identified. Tab. 2, ill. 2, bibliography: 9 titles.
The results of the study of the possibility of using cullet of different chemical composition accumulated in landfills for the production of foam glass are presented. It has been established that sodium silicate, introduced into cullet in the form of liquid sodium glass, partially destroys the crushed cullet, averages the chemical composition of the charge and its most important technological properties. Due to the chemical interaction between the liquid sodium glass and the surface of the particles of crushed cullet, silicates are formed containing bound water, which is released at high temperatures (600 - 620 ° C) and promotes foaming of the foam glass. In the charge, liquid sodium glass leads to an increase in the amount of the glassy phase and reduces the tendency of the glass to crystallize. Tab. 2, ill. 3, bibliography: 8 titles.
A muffled colored glaze for facing tiles based on float waste from a copper processing plant was obtained. The optimal compositions of glazes with good physicochemical properties have been determined. Tab. 2, bibliography: 5 titles.
The possibility of using manganese-containing waste from the Kemerovo Metallurgical Plant as a dye for insulating glass has been investigated. It has been established that in the case of processing waste by magnetic separation and changing the melting mode, this waste can be used to obtain a stable glass color. Tab. 5, bibliography: 4 titles.
A technological method has been developed for the regeneration of wastes of chemical polishing of crystal products, the use of which will allow to solve not only environmental problems of environmental pollution, but also to reduce the consumption of red lead. The resulting complex lead-containing material can find wide application in the synthesis of low-melting glasses and glassy coatings. Il. 1, bibliography: 7 titles.
The phenomenon of self-propagating crystallization (SC) is realized in the synthesis of ashes on the basis of waste from the Kansk-Achinsk basin and the possibility of using SC as a technological method is shown. The effect of the addition of fluorite, which was introduced into the charge in order to enhance the exothermic effect during sintering in the SC mode, was studied. It is shown that the use of the SC phenomenon makes it possible to reduce the duration and overall temperature of the process. Il. 3, bibliography: 5 titles.